Saturday, December 20, 2008

Jakarta Under Flood Attack

Three days with no government is really happened in Jakarta, when the flood suddenly attack more than 70% of Jakarta area, the Jakarta resident easily found that there were no geovernment during that period of Attack.

While in my opinion, the flood attack just simply because that Jakarta no longer have a green area in the city, there were no large park and also the Jakarta water cannal is really really bad. The industries also take a part on this flood because they do not taking care of the environment. The industries makes Jakarta fall down under the sea surface level. The water in the rivers of Jakarta can’t easily deliver its water into the sea.

So, The government of Jakarta should stop giving permit for the development of the new mall, apartement, and also other high rise building and soo to develop many large park and build many lake in the city. Other effort shoould be done soon if the government do not wish to see flood that will sink Jakarta in the next 2012.

And for the people of Jakarta that will run a governor election, please choose the next governor wisely, choose the governor who have a vision for more environment friendly for Jakarta

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